Monday, September 27, 2010

Australia = I love the Zoo

     It is time you know some things about me - one detail i would like to share today is my love for the Zoo. I love going to the Zoo! Despite some people saying it is an abuse to animal rights. I LOVEE it!

Look at those eyes!
     So lately I would think I had found my 'perfect' place here in Australia, because over the past week I have encountered more animals than I usually do in any other part of the world. Several species of spiders, iguanas, geckos, bats have I crossed life's path with
 Therefore, today, I would like to take the time to express my sincere appreciation for the Zoo... The perfectly set up reptile 'habitat' allowing for a close inspection of the animals through the glass pane. The short and sweet (and accurate!) description introducing, the poisonous, the painful and the harmful properties of the animals. I have never appreciated these things as greatly as I do now. I miss that glass panel as I walk to school in the mornings and have spiders all over my face. I miss knowing whether the reptiles presence means I am in danger or not. Difficult times ahead, I can tell. 

   I just wonder, when it will be the cute fuzzy koalas and kangaroos jumping out of the bush and resting in my bathtub?


  1. To begin with, congrats on getting a blog!
    I love the zoo as well, though I know it's not politically/ethically correct... and I definitely prefer having the glass pane between me and the reptiles! I was lucky not to encounter any spiders and such on my visit to Australia :)
    Hope you've been warned against the drop bears!
    Keep posting :)

  2. I do love the zoo!
    You could say your in the gamble zoo at the moment. You know your seeing something special in the wild but you dont really know what it is!

    It could be a clearly harmless spider or one that will make your arm fall off. :D

    Stay safe and maybe taking a spider encyclopedia with you! How unpractical that may be! it might save your life.
