Sunday, March 27, 2011

Odd Curiosity
I am one or those people who have an innate curiosity to read what is going on next to me. I do realize that people need to respect personal space, specially in denmark. I know it's wrong, but I enjoy it. It's something I'm not supposed to know.

The smart phones on train give me great joy. People play games I like to follow, they write interesting emails i like to see. I mean, maybe I'm sitting next to someone who is actually someone and I don't even know it! But mostly I just follow the conservative newspaper. When I'm on the platform waiting for the train, I never get a newspaper because I tell myself that I'll read it on my phone or most commonly I prefer enjoying the ride. The problem is that as soon as someone else has it, in a child like manner, it suddenly becomes a lot more interesting. Last spring I was on the regional train glimpsing at the newspaper the man sitting next to me was reading. He started by giving me a few odd looks, to which I would respond by looking away for a couple of seconds. After a couple of times of this happening, he agreed to share the newspaper and when he was getting off he very kindly offered me the paper to keep reading. I took it and gave him a pleasing thank you.

Writing this on my phone, I now notice that the man next to me (who's email I was trying to read) seems very interested in what I am writing. Maybe we should get together and compare notes.

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