Sunday, March 27, 2011

Odd Curiosity
I am one or those people who have an innate curiosity to read what is going on next to me. I do realize that people need to respect personal space, specially in denmark. I know it's wrong, but I enjoy it. It's something I'm not supposed to know.

The smart phones on train give me great joy. People play games I like to follow, they write interesting emails i like to see. I mean, maybe I'm sitting next to someone who is actually someone and I don't even know it! But mostly I just follow the conservative newspaper. When I'm on the platform waiting for the train, I never get a newspaper because I tell myself that I'll read it on my phone or most commonly I prefer enjoying the ride. The problem is that as soon as someone else has it, in a child like manner, it suddenly becomes a lot more interesting. Last spring I was on the regional train glimpsing at the newspaper the man sitting next to me was reading. He started by giving me a few odd looks, to which I would respond by looking away for a couple of seconds. After a couple of times of this happening, he agreed to share the newspaper and when he was getting off he very kindly offered me the paper to keep reading. I took it and gave him a pleasing thank you.

Writing this on my phone, I now notice that the man next to me (who's email I was trying to read) seems very interested in what I am writing. Maybe we should get together and compare notes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Catastrophe and The Unfortunate

    The devastation in Japan make me terribly sad. Knowing that people are suffering through directly and indirectly, is simply devastating. This morning i opened the newspaper, Berlingske, to see that an article had been written about rescue efforts finally arriving at a small fishing village up the north coast and not finding any survivors. I try to find meaning in it all and it doesn't make sense. You feel so powerless. The worst part is, that on one side of the world people have lost everything and keep losing more and more and on this side people have everything and keep getting more and more. What ever happened to fair? Sometimes you wish mother nature was fair, but at the same time fairness is scary because it might fall upon yourself.

Let us be happy we are lucky but let us not take that luck for granted. Japan is a perfect example of how that can vanish within minutes.

My thoughts go to Japan.

Not many people read my blog, probably because I rarely write in it, but if you have read it today. Share your fortune with the unfortunate, the link below link to the danish red cross donation site for Japan.

Retrieved from Yahoo News 15-03-2011