I always neglect my dear blog, i guess I don't value my five followers the way I should. It's probably because I had to force you guys to follow me!! ("good" friends) :)
So today, I thought I should start writing a blog every week. It is afterall one of the cardinal rules of marketing (of myself, right now) consistency! Why would you guys come back if nothing was written? After deciding to write a blog every, I realize that I don't know what to write about. Then my second realization was I always write about random stuff. Therefore, today (and for the next week) my blog will be about my observations in the library.
Experience number one:
They were like this, but just triangular! |
This experience was not a recent one, it has aged a bit. When in Bond university in Australia sometime october last year, I was in the library one day and I realized that chinese people cannot chew silently for dear life.
This girl, next to me, had bought five small (snack like) sandwiches. Every single one was torture. Whenever i heard one of the wrappers being torn I knew the sound tornado of chewing was about to be unleashed. If you thought I was annoyed you should have seen the guy at the other side of her. He was having an annoyance attack, i think after the second sandwich he would leave the room. Haha. Okay that's an immense exaggeration, what he did do whenever the munch began was roll back his chair and stair at the back of the girls head huffing. His actions led to my enjoyment.
I don't know what it is with chewing but it gets on my nerves, until it annoys someone. Then it's funny!