Sex sells, that's what they say. I am personally not a direct purchaser, but could consider myself, an indirect one. Let me clarify. I am not in any way involved in any stage of the process of exchanging sex for money, not for myself or for anyone else. Not a career I see myself in, or have ever seen myself in. Pimpin' was as far as I recall, not part of my childhood ambitions or drawings.
What do I mean by indirect consumer? I'll try to explain. What I mean, is that I watch the series and the movies with all the good looking people. I see the advertising and it works for me. I would rather wear shoes or merchandise woren by Giselle Bundchen (if I could afford it) rather than Snookie from Jersey Shores. I like buying things that look pretty, the they'll reflect upon me. Why do I purchase things that are pretty and may make me look pretty? You tell me! ;)
Watching hollywood movies, and shows, and all that eternal advertising you are presented with all the ultimate sexual cliches that humans have and the really weird one's too (but I will not go in to that). You have the nurses, you have the maids, the firemen, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, etc. etc.... the list is endless But...
It all started in the library where I was studying, streaming Grey's Anatomy, checking Facebook, doing all those things you do in the library. Suddenly, the fire alarm went off. So i immediately grab my stuff and make my way out, on the way noticing how people were just not moving despite the loudest voice saying: "Emergency, please evacuate". Anyways, the only thing I make out of that, is that their Facebook must actually have been interesting, unlike mine. Outside, I was informed that it was nothing exciting, it was just a drill. I was annoyed, then suddenly a positive light was shed upon the situation when two firetrucks drove in to the campus for a ''drill rescue'. I might have been mildly (very mildly, baby) interested in what Australian firemen look like, so I decided to take a little peek. There they were the fireman ideal burning up in flame as the group of 50+ men with the large bellies descended from their trucks, definitely not moving with the hollywood fireman physique, speed, agility, hair, tan. Devastating reality check, and so the fire drill went back to being annoying. Don't get me wrong. I know what firemen do for a living is extremely wonderful and courageous... all I'm saying is that I would never buy their shoes.
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